Sellador para interiores de automóviles Antas 361 ms

Packaging : 600mL/sausage

Antas-361 is a one-component, moisture cure, high-viscosity silane modified polyether sealant. It combines the advantages of both polyurethane and silicone sealants, exhibiting outstanding weather resistance, and is solvent-, silicone oil-, and NCO-free. It is an ideal replacement for polyurethane and silicone sealants.
Manual del producto
Antas-361 is a one-component, moisture cure, high-viscosity silane modified polyether sealant. It combines the advantages of both polyurethane and silicone sealants, exhibiting outstanding weather resistance, and is solvent-, silicone oil-, and NCO-free. It is an ideal replacement for polyurethane and silicone sealants
Característica del producto
  • Excellent mechanical properties Low modulus of grade 25,good elasticity and tear resistance
  • Good cohesiveness: Strong cohesive force on porous materials, excellent water-proof cohesiveness.
  • Good coating adaptability Coating adaptable on sealant surface
  • Strong climate resistance Excellent aging resistance and damp heat resistance
  • Odorless and environmental friendly Cyanate ester free and extremely low VOC volatilization
Objetivo principal
  • Glass joints, interior expansion joints, ceiling, floor, and holes and apertures on automobile hub for waterproof sealing
  • Seal containers, ventilation, cold storage facilities and other industrial equipment
Cumple con los estándares
Parámetros técnicos
Elementos de prueba Q/GZJTHG 8-2017 Valor medido
Apariencia Pasta homogénea y consistente Pasta homogénea y consistente
Densidad, g/cm3 Valor especificado ±0.1 1.5
Fluir Vertical (mm) ≤3 0
Horizontal Sin deformación Sin deformación
Tiempo sin pegajosidad, min ≤60 23
Profundidad de curado (mm/24h) ≥3.0 3.7
Resistencia a la tracción/MPa ≥1.8 2.5
Alargamiento/% ≥400.0 600.0
Contenido de sólidos (%) ≥95 99.4
Resistencia al desgarro (kN/m) ≥5.0 17.3
Dureza Shore A 30~60 47
Adhesión ≥90% FQ 100% CF